
Derek Martin derek at
Wed Jun 7 12:31:48 EDT 2000

Today, Jesse Noller gleaned this insight:

> Civilization! (the loki port)

Yeah that's a good one too!  Man, did I waste a lot of hours playing that
game (Civ I on Windows, unfortunately).  And also for Sid Meyer fans, Loki
has a port of Railroad Tycoon II for Linux as well.  It even comes inside
the box with Corel Linux (though I don't recommend GETTING Corel Linux,
even for the game).

If you want commercial-quality games, check out

And have a blast!  But there are some good non-commercial games too, which
often come with your distribution.  Two of my favorites in that category
are xboing (like breakout only WAY better!) and xbill.

If you don't know about xbill, I won't spoil the surprise.... I laughed
hysterically when I saw it! ;)

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Derek D. Martin      |  Unix/Linux Geek
derekm at  |  derek at

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