newbie network question

Brian J. Conway dogbert at
Mon Jun 12 08:50:01 EDT 2000

> ok I am finally ready to put my RH 6.1 box on my Win NT/2000 network.
> I have a fixed IP.
> whats the simplest way to do this?  With linuxconf?

Linuxconf or netcfg should do the trick.  My preferred method would be to
break out the text editor on /etc/sysconfig/network and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, but that's just me.  You'll
have to restart networking after making changes the latter way
('/etc/rc.d/init/network restart'), though I would assume the other two
would do it for you as is their trend, I wouldn't really know.  Oops, I
just realized you didn't mention weather the ethernet card is recognized 
and working.  That's my two cents on setting up IP, anyways.


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