how to print color images as well as Windows...

Glenn Burkhardt glenn at
Mon Jun 12 13:43:41 EDT 2000

I've been trying to print images from digital cameras on a Deskjet 890, and
I've found that the tools I've been using don't make as good a print as
MS Windows printer drivers.

On my Linux system, I've been using 'xv' and the various netpbm functions to
make a postscript file, and then use the Postscript filter to generate PCL for
the device (standard Redhat filters, using Ghostscript and the cdj550 driver).
It doesn't matter if the printer is hosted by a Windows or Unix system - I've
tried both.

On Windows, xpaint displays the .bmp file, and the print file is transferred 
to a Window's hosted printer over a network.

The colors are not as good, and the expansion of the image results in other

Any ideas?

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