router/hub/dhcp client units for cablemodem

John Abreau jabr at
Thu Jun 15 11:35:03 EDT 2000

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Jerry Feldman wrote:

> Anyhow,
> I just got a new Laptop, and was wondering what is a good Linux friendly PCMCIA network card. This is a Compaq Proliant 1900 LX 161. Apparently, it has a built in Winmodem that does work under Linux. 
> PS: Jerry, I do remember it was you that had the Sonicwall.

I've had the best luck with the Linksys 10/100 pc card, model # PCMPC100.
Note that the HOWTOs mention that there are two versions of this: a
Cardbus version and a non-Cardbus version, and it emphasizes that the
Cardbus version doesn't work right. I have the non-Cardbus version, and
it's outlasted several laptops.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
Email: jabr at / URL:
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj
"Working with NT is like trying to tune a watch wearing oven mitts.
 You can't get your fingers inside like you can with UNIX.

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