IBM Conference call for speakers on Linux sessions

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Wed May 31 14:09:17 EDT 2000

Note that the conference will be held at the Sheraton Boston with the 
Linux sessions on July 23rd (one session) and the rest on the 24th. 
If anyone is interested in doing one or more of these sessions or anyone 
wants to team up, either contact Robert directly or contact me. 
Also, I'll try to locate Blake Parker who has a few extra BLU shirts. 

I cross posted this to the gnhlug mailing list. 

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Officers at BLU,
	I am the cluster manager for the SHARE IBM conference supporting the LINUX track. Linux is fastly becomming the most interesting track we now support for this conference.I need speakers for the following 1 hour sessions for the week of July 22 thru 27. Most of these sessions are scheduled for 
Tuesday of that week. Please look at the titles and let me know if you would like to do some of these sessions. These were asked for at the last Share by participants of the other LINUX sessions. Let me know of interest so I can update the database very very soon. Please call me if you need any 
additional information. (W) 626-564-7426 (P) 818-816-0629 (H) 909-593-0919.

Thanks In advance.....

1.    Comparison of LINUX distributions
2.    LINUX and Firewalls
3.    LINUX and Web Servers
4.    LINUX and File Servers
5.    LINUX as your Web Browser machine.
6.    LINUX and Proxy Servers
7.    Trobleshooting and Debugging LINUX boxes.

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Jerry Feldman
Contractor, eInfrastructure Partner Engineering   

Compaq Computer Corp.
200 Forest Street MRO1-3/F1
Marlboro, Ma. 01752
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