Solaris question

Philip Molloy molloy at
Sat Sep 16 11:53:13 EDT 2000

        I was wondering if anyone knew of a good cheap source to find a 
listing of the
packages  that come with the default install of Solaris 2.6. I was looking 
for some sort of reference so I would know what I need to install, vs what 
they offer on the distribution. Also anyone who has any specific 
philosophies on volume setup would be appreciated as I have discovered the 
joys of automapper. I have an Ultra-1
with 2 4GB drives and a 200MHZ process with 128 MB of ram.

My working knowledge of solaris is quite good, it is just the install, 
which I don't do on a regular basis, can be cryptic when it comes to some 
of the packages, as the help section on the packages are, leaves much to be 


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