automating 'next' in gdb dubugger

Derek Martin derek at
Sat Sep 16 12:37:03 EDT 2000

Today, Subba Rao gleaned this insight:

> Thanks for replying.
> 'continue' would not shown the execution in sequence for each line of code.
> It would execute upto breakpoint B and wait for further instructions.
> I would like to see the 'next' command executed from A to B i.e. to watch
> the sequence of execution.

I don't believe you can do this with any standard gdb command, and I doubt
you ever will simply because the point of stopping after each next command
is to give the developer however much time they require to absorb the
result of the previously executed command.  This may be a very short
period of time, or it may be a very long period of time, depending on the
developer and the particular code in question.

If you had a command to do this, it would invariably wait too long or not
long enough between commands, which I think most people would find
extremely annoying.

One thing you could do though, would be to use next, and then hold down
the retrun key, releasing periodically to make sure you don't go past
where you need to go...

You know that everytime I try to go where I really want to be,
It's already where I am, cuz I'm already there...
Derek D. Martin              |  Unix/Linux Geek
ddm at |  derek at

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