broadband access

Roger Day roger at
Tue Sep 19 11:27:18 EDT 2000

Hi All

I have been following this thread with some interest since I am from South
Africa (here for a short while) and anything above 56k is a science
fiction for the man in the street. It is really nice to be able to
download at +170k/s and will need to go for counciling when I return home
and have to go back to MAX 3.5k/s downloads ;-)

> I am also concerned about this. I'm kind of leaning towards MediaOne,
> but I don't want to have my service TOS'ed because I want to SSH into my
> home network! My biggest question is: how actively do they look for

I have had 2 months of what I term excellent service from MediaOne/AT&T BB
barring one small thing and that is that my frequently my ssh sessions
die if left idle for a time. This has never happened to me before on any
other system and I have just tolerated it. I work on the end of a T!
during the day and sessions to various systems are fine during the day
but when I go home that is a different story on the same notebook. It
could be the masquerading machine setup at home but if others have
experienced this it would assist me to resolve it.

> And now for an off-topic question: when replying to mailing lists, is
> replying only to the list (vs. "Reply All") the "polite" thing to do? I
> know it kind of bugs me to have multiple copies in my mailbox, but it is
> a small thing. Is there a FAQ somewhere on this topic?

IMHO - don't "reply to all". The mailing list software is there to handle
that ;-) The reply to field in this mailing list should be changed to
reply to the list and not the sender. (-my 5c worth)



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