SSH time outs.

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Thu Sep 28 07:32:33 EDT 2000

Lately, my SSH connection to the BLU server is being knocked down after a 
relatively short period of time (a few minutes of idle time).
I am using OpenSSH 2.1.1p1-1, and BLU is using sshd 2.0.13.

Up until last night it was being knocked down after hours of idle time. 
To further complicate trying to figure this I added a Linksys BEFSR41 a 
couple of weeks ago. If I recall SSH was being knocked down overnight 
before I added the Linksys, so I suspect that there is a parameter in the 
version of openssh that I am using. Anyhow, just a minor pain since the 
reconnect is a simple procedure.
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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