[BLU] VB and 4th?

David Kramer david at kramer.ne.mediaone.net
Sat Sep 30 13:20:07 EDT 2000

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000 jc at trillian.mit.edu wrote:

> --------
> 	 BTW, I use bash scripts a LOT in my work, and quite
> 	 productively, but please, let's not reopen that my-approach-
> 	 to-scripting-is-better-than-yours can'o'worms since it's
> 	 already been firmly established that Visual Basic is the
> 	 hands-down, undisputed winner, with Forth being a close
> 	 second and all other contenders left in the dust...  ;->
> No; let's reopen it. ;-) To be more specific, where can we get VB and
> 4th for linux, the various BSD clones, Solaris, and so on?

uhhhhh.... I think that was a joke.

> thinking that it's sorely neglected by the industry. For that matter,
> I keep coming across situations where I really wish I had prolog  and
> APL available for all the machines I'm working on.)

A company called Arity has prolog for many platforms, including Linux.

> (And where do java and javascript fit into all this?)
Javascript only works on web pages, so is pretty narrowly focused.  Java
tends to run very slow, and is not standard enough between different Java
compilers, and all the add-ons like javabeans, etc. 

DDDD   David Kramer                   http://kramer.ne.mediaone.net
DKK D        On a cellular level, I'm actually quite busy!

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