[BLU] Re: [BLU] Re: [BLU] RE: [REDHAT] Dell knocks Linux off the desktop (fwd)

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Wed Aug 8 22:19:55 EDT 2001

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Derek Martin wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 09:08:27PM -0400, David Kramer wrote:
> >
> > I do my firewalling WAY before it gets to my laptop or my desktop, so
> > that's not an issue for me.  But I agree with your point.
> And kudos for doing so.  The problem is that many bugs which have been
> discovered in the various windows flavors are buffer overruns or
> design flaws, neither of which can be helped much by firewalls.  This
> seems like a good time to repeat one of my favorite mantras of
> computer security:  Firewalls are not a security panacaea.

And one of my mantras of computer security: Keep your knowledge and your
packages updated.

If you have a reasonably configured firewall and daemons, and reasonably
complex passwords, and reasonably updated packages, and look at your logs
every now and then, and do not share sensitive information about your box
with strangers, you should be reasonably safe.

That's what it takes.  Ask Niece.

No castle was guarded by just a drawbridge.  There's the carnivore-filled
mote, and the arrow holes, and the guards, and the traps around the
perimeter, etc.

DDDD   David Kramer                   http://thekramers.net
DKK D  Football is not a contact sport; it is a collision sport.
DK KD  Dancing is a contact sport.              --Vince Lombardi

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