Suppressing logins

will willg at
Mon Dec 3 13:20:40 EST 2001

The Mandrake 8.0 install allows you to do an auto-login upon boot.  So it 
boots up, slides you into KDE/GNOME (whichever your preference) and logs 
you in so you're at your desktop right off the bat.

I never really looked at how it does it though.

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Jerry Feldman wrote:

> As a long time Unix user, I can't conceive of a system where logins are not used. 
> At the installfest, Pamela King wanted to know if there was a way to suppress the need for a login. 
> (I know that I can write a replacement for login and getty) I don't know of a simple way to configure 
> a Linux system not to require a login. I know that Pamela and many other Windows and Mac 
> people don't understand what a login is, and the concept of a priviledged user vs. a regular user. 
> Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
> Associate Director
> Boston Linux and Unix user group
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