vpn clients / cable modems

Jonathan Arnold jdarnold at buddydog.org
Fri Dec 14 11:51:29 EST 2001

> Has anyone ever had any experience to the contrary?  Either with AT&T, or
> any other provider.  If so, that would be very useful information for me.

My take on that article was that it was just like running servers from home.
Even the ones that "expressly" forbid it, don't actually check. But they
will get upset if the bandwidth usage gets too high. And in the end, that's
all they really care about.

Jonathan Arnold     (mailto:jdarnold at buddydog.org)
Amazing Developments       http://www.buddydog.org

Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit, you would
stay out and your dog would go in. -- Mark Twain

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