re-use mailing list on MIT

srl slandrum at
Sat Dec 22 05:42:42 EST 2001

On 21 Dec 2001, Derek Atkins wrote:

> It's a list for people who was to reuse things (or who would rather
> their things be reused than thrown out).  Basically, it's a list
> to announce "I've got foo that I'm going to throw away -- pick it
> up before the garbage men do"

There's at least one greater-boston-reuse list run by someone in the
community--- though I don't have the subscribe information at hand,
I know it exists. Perhaps someone else here knows what I'm talking
about. It just got started a few months ago and is trying to pick up

If anyone else hears of good reuse lists around this area to be on,
I'd love to hear about them.

Shane R. Landrum         slandrum at                __o
"In the end, you write the book that grabs you                -\<,
by the throat and demands to be written." - Salman Rushdie  (*)/(*)

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