Windows NT/2000 Laptop network backup options?

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Thu Feb 1 13:32:48 EST 2001

We use Networker by Legato. This has both NT and Unix clients. The 
sysadmins here have not complained about it. It's reasonably 
On 1 Feb 2001, at 10:34, Scott Ehrlich wrote:

> Hello to all:
> I know this is most likely a Microsoft question (wrt but I
> thought I'd ask anyway for collective knowledge...
> I have been charged with the task of looking for a product to help back up
> company NT/2000 laptop computers when plugged into our TCP/IP network.
> The goals of the backup product are:
> - Non-intrusive (low performance hit on the laptop)
> - Passive (background task which cannot be cancelled by the user and
> ideally be invisible to the user)
> - Ability to have files copied (pushed or pulled) off the PC once they
> connect to our network
> - Ability to have backup stop on-the-spot if person is in a hurry and
> unplugs
> - Ability to have backup resume once laptop is back on the network and
> update files that were changed during the disconnection
> - Subsequent backups will be considered incremental
> If such a product exists, please let me know.
> Thanks.
> Scott
> -
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Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group
Subcription/unsubscription/info requests: send e-mail with
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