how stupid is stupid?

Guilderson, Tom W. TWGuilderson at
Fri Feb 9 10:36:09 EST 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Gordon [mailto:sethg at]

They're not being stupid -- they have no other choice.  If the people
who already have Windows NT think their computers are running
adequately and don't want to spend the money or labor to upgrade to
Windows 2000, Microsoft's revenue would fall through the floor.  In
order to maintain growth in Windows sales, they have to compete with
earlier versions of their own OS products.


All the more reason to switch to Linux. I am not forced to pay for an
upgrade every two years. Even though 2.4 has just been released, 2.2
continues to be refined, and a new release of 2.0.x that addressed a few
issues has been recently released. I decide when I upgrade, usually to take
advantage of a new feature or new hardware support, not because the vendor
says I have to if I want to continue being supported or because they
restructure licensing that the licensing program no longer includes the full
product mix I use. 
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