Microsoft hits new ethical low point?

Brian J. Conway dogbert at
Fri Feb 16 12:59:42 EST 2001

> Solaris, IRIX, OSF/DUnix, *BSD, etc.  I don't have to recompile my
> software for Windows.  Once I've built it, it works.  It will work on
> all variants, and it will work on all systems.  I can't even build a

That would be a valid devil's advocate argument, and a good point at
that, if that statement were actually true (Win98 accelerated-video
apps, system management-type utilities, or even CD recording software on
NT/2K...riiiight).  I'm not sure whether you meant for it to be a
devil's advocate argument or just point out that it's not true, but
whatever, either way.

Brian J. Conway
dogbert at
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