(FWD)linux, cable modem, and RCN

Derek D. Martin ddm at pizzashack.org
Thu Feb 22 00:10:15 EST 2001

> If you get a dynamic IP address for your ADSL or Cablemodem
> connection, you will need to add these lines.

I thought it might be worth mentioning that when I try to read your
messages with pine (my usual mailer), it don't go.  Only when I read
with Mutt, which I have configured to use GPG, can I read your

It's also worth noting that I may be doing some sort of header munging
in my .procmailrc file so that PGP signed messages will be
auto-verified by Mutt when I am using it...  So this may not be your
fault at all.  But I wanted to mention it.

We sometimes catch a window, a glimpse of what's beyond
Was it just imagination stringing us along?
Derek Martin          |   Unix/Linux geek
ddm at pizzashack.org    |   GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D
Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu

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