Need MUUUUCH help with problem......

Brian J. Conway dogbert at
Thu Feb 22 22:59:36 EST 2001

> I would suggest that you get hold of either Red Hat's xconfigurator or
> SuSE's sax.

I'm not sure if it's the same situation, but I was setting up X on a
rackmount system (display unit) one time, and strangely, Xconfigurator
would set things up correctly, but I didn't realize until I looked back
at the generic kernel that the AGPgart module was needed for X to start
(present in 2.4 and backported to 2.2.18).  I'm not sure if it's the
same problem or if you have your XF86Config file set up as it should,
but I recall it was using an 810 chipset onboard video.  I don't think
it required any other configuration in the normal file besides the
usual, no special options or such.

Brian J. Conway
dogbert at
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