Modem question

Chuck Young chy at
Thu Jan 4 17:43:05 EST 2001


It's been so long since I have bought a modem that I don't know much about
them anymore.  It's also been a while since I have made it to a BLU meeting,
but I digress...

I know there are "win" modems that offload almost everything onto the CPU
and only run under windows, and there are "real" modems that do the job on
the card.  Also, I see a lot of PCI modems, with ISA versions getting kind
of scarce.

I thought I would walk into PC's for everyone and just buy a decent "real"
PCI modem and be done with it, but was told "they are all winmodems now".  I
walked out unhappy.

There's no shortage of disinformation out there.  Are there real PCI modems
available for use with linux?  I liked jumpers and manuals.  Does anyone
have a suggestion?

Chuck Young
ISE, New England Region

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