la la land

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Fri Jan 19 13:47:07 EST 2001

BTW: The VMS guy was Cutler. 
The VMS file systems were based on the PDP 11 file systems. When 
Ken Thompson wrote Unix, he was free to design any file system he 
Few people really appreciate the elegance of the Unix file system. With 
the Unix file system things like hard links and symbolic links tie right in 
because a file is not tied to a directory. 

On 19 Jan 2001, at 18:18, John Chambers wrote:

> The most straightforward explanation, as with other OSs, is that it's
> simply  a  case  of  an  independent development line whose designers
> couldn't be bothered to study other  systems  or  learn  any  of  the
> history of software engineering. The "Not Invented Here" syndrome has
> been clearly active in the history of the Microsoft OSs. They weren't
> about  to  learn  why those unix nerds did things in the strange ways
> they did.
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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