Should these files be setuid?

Greg Galperin grg22 at
Fri Jan 19 14:28:00 EST 2001

John Chambers wrote:
> Hmm ... When I try this here, what I get is:
> : rpm -V pam
> ..?.....   /sbin/pam_filter/upperLOWER
> :
> This would seem to imply that there's something suspicious about this
> file,  but what?  The ..?.....  presumably is some sort of indicator,
> and looks like a list of flags.  I checked with "man rpm", and all  I
> Any idea how I might learn what, if anything, is wrong here?

Well, it's complaining about the md5 checksum, but I don't think it's
saying it's incorrect (that would be a '5' rather than a '?').
This seems to indicate that it can't get a checksum for either the
original file or the current one (likely the former).

SM5DLUGT c file 


     S is the file size. 

     M is the file's mode. 

     5 is the MD5 checksum of the file. 

     D is the file's major and minor numbers. 

     L is the file's symbolic link contents. 

     U is owner of the file. 

     G is the file's group. 

     T is the modification time of the file. 

     c appears only if the file is a configuration file. This is handy for quickly identifying config files, as
     they are very likely to change, and therefore, very unlikely to verify successfully. 

     file is the file that failed verification. The complete path is listed to make it easy to find.

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