Content Management?

Duane Morin dmorin at
Thu Jan 25 07:06:01 EST 2001

So I'm trying to convince some friends in a startup that open software and 
Linux will save them much (time/money/heartache) as they get up and running.  
The question of content management has come up.  They naturally lean toward 
something like Interwoven, which can easily cost a few hundred thousand 
dollars (depending on licensing).  Meanwhile I go to freshmeat, and "content 
management" search shows 50 hits.  I don't really have time to adequately 
evaluate all 50 of those, does anybody have any recommendations that I could 
float to the top of the list?  The primary features that they need are version 
control, some form of workflow, and an XML friendly environment.  They'd also 
like the ability to use templates to put together several hunks of content at 
once, but that would be the last on the list.


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