[HELP] Remote Windows NT/2000 s/w inventory and syslog checks

Scott Ehrlich se at panix.com
Mon Jan 29 10:19:40 EST 2001

Hello to all:

I have been put in charge of gathering a list of applications installed on
all company computers (currently around 30+), obtaining BIOS information,
and performing system log checks.

I know there are applications which will do this, but I do not know how
often this will need to be done, and I suspect it will not be too often.
Therefore, how have you attacked this problem?  What tool(s) have you
used?   We have NT 4 workstations, 2000 workstations, NT 4 Servers, and
some Solaris and Linux boxes.   If needed, I could set up another NT or
UNIX box so as not to disrupt production machines.

In addition to the inventory check, I need to put in place a method of
regularly checking NT and UNIX system logs to send me alerts (via email)
of low disk space, performance issues, etc.  What methods have people used
for this?

Thanks for any leads.


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