FTP install of RH...

Kevin M. Gleason kgleason at ma.ultranet.com
Tue Jan 30 04:37:15 EST 2001

Does anyone know how I can get over this problem?

    I have some old Compaqs with 16M RAM and my CD is not recognized by
RH install. So I took the netboot image and copied it over to a floppy
disk and booted from it (I'm on a T1 line at work). Now I find that RH
7.0 requires a minimum of 20M RAM for ftp and http install so I am stuck
with performing an nfs install (but nothing can read the CDROM. Machines
too old/obsolete to upgrade for linux. I could pop the top and install
another CDROM but I guess I'm too lazy. Is the 20M ram ftp install
particular to RH7.0 or indicative of all ftp installs?



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