who is responsible for keeping private IP addresses private?

Seth Gordon sgordon at kenan.com
Tue Jan 30 12:01:01 EST 2001

Suppose I have two machines connected to the same DSL router: Public, with
a generally-accessible IP address, and Private, with  E.g.,
Public could be a domain's mail server, and Private could be a workstation
that downloads the mail.

Is there any way for an attacker elsewhere on the Net to impersonate  (In other words, if Public trusts everything it receives from, can an attacker exploit that trust relationship as a first
step to cracking Public?)  If not, what part of the network infrastructure
prevents this from happening?

"The big dig might come in handy ... for a few project managers
 whom I think would make great landfill."  --Elaine Ashton
== seth gordon == sgordon at kenan.com == standard disclaimer ==
== documentation group, kenan systems corp., cambridge, ma ==
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