Micro$oft CEO says Linux is a cancer

Numberwhun ***** numberwhun at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 5 11:58:59 EDT 2001

I found this in a newsletter I received today and thougt I would share it.

*****  Start article ******

Q: Do you view Linux and the open-source movement as a threat to Microsoft?

A: Yeah. It's good competition. It will force us to be innovative. It will 
force us to justify the prices and value that we deliver. And that's only 
healthy. The only thing we have a problem with is when the government funds 
open-source work.  Government funding should be for work that is available 
to everybody. Open source is not available to commercial companies. The way 
the license is written, if you use
any open-source software, you have to make the rest of your software open 
If the government wants to put something in the public domain, it should. 
Linux is not in the public domain. Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in 
an intellectual property sense to everything it touches. That's the way that 
the license works.

***** End article *****

If anyone cares to read the whole article, go to:


I wonder if anyone told him that the NSA has released some open source 
software?  Hhhmmmm.


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