Using Opera as a browser...

Billy SG McCarthy reshippie at
Mon Jun 11 16:37:51 EDT 2001

> Does anyone else on this list have any pros/cons on
> opera?

I haven't tried the Linux version, but I love the Win

Though the zoom in/out feature is a little rough
around the edges, it's a  great feature, especially
with web based email.

I don't think that they have SSL fully working yet,
because it always barfs when I try to access my bank
through it.

That and Yahoo! mail is goofy.  It won't let me expand
my folders, in the left frame if it's identifying
itself as Opera, I need to make it Mozilla or IE.  

But the cache-ing is great.  There is no delay when
you hit the back button, you're just there. All the
other browsers, at least that I have seen, have to
query the server again before loading a previously
viewed page, which is a pain.

My $0.02

"Keep on Truckin' "
"Not Fade Away"
Push "Furthur"

Kindly yours,
Billy S G McCarthy

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