re^n: connectiviry, ssh

Slack, William wslack at
Tue Jun 12 16:08:42 EDT 2001

Hi guys... I've been reading this thread with interest this afternoon...

Quick question... Is there a way to nfs mount over ssh? That would be the
holy grail to me. scp is nice... but nfs leaves would be awesome! I know
that NFS itself is something less then secure, but it would be great for me
to be able to nfs mount a drive from work at home!



-----Original Message-----
From: dan moylan [mailto:jdm34 at]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 2:54 PM
To: boston linux users group
Subject: re^n: connectiviry, ssh

you're right, of course.  scp WAS referenced down at the bottom
of the man page and i should have seen it.  a congenital
deficiency, perhaps, but i called up at most of the other pages
referenced, and my eyeballs skipped right over the one i needed.

in any event, thanks (both of you) . . . it works!!

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