How about 2 heads, 2 mice & 2 keyboards?

linuxguy at linuxguy at
Tue Jun 26 21:48:48 EDT 2001

I posted this to my LTSP mailing list, but I thought some of you
might have some input.  LSTP (if you recall) is the Linux 
Terminal Server project which focusses on diskless terminals which
boot off the network (

Here's my post:

Here's an interesting proposal... Seeing that I could potentially
have a system with several USB ports, how difficult would it be
for me to built up one LTSP terminal with 2 heads, 2 keyboards,
2 mices & separate X-sessions back to the server?

My thought is ... my kids (twins) are playing around a lot with
xpaint and other kiddy programs.  I'd like to do something as
minimal and space/power/$$ friendly as possible.

Thus, I thought about trying to use one system board, with 2 graphic cards,
2 keyboards, 2 mice, and a pair of 14" flat panel displays....

can this be done?

- christoph

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