Video of May 2001 BLU meeting ready

John Abreau jabr at
Tue May 29 17:20:36 EDT 2001

The video of Brad Snow's presentation is now ready. I've prepared a VHS
copy for Brad, and I've generated an MPEG-1 video file which is just
under a gigabyte in length. I also have a quicktime file, using the
Sorenson video codec, that's 154 mb.

Unfortunately, we don't have space for the mpeg file on tarnhelm. 
I can put up the sorenson-encoded quicktime file, but that requires
MacOS or Windows to view. I've tested Quicktime 4.0 under Win4Lin, and
it worked OK.

I guess the next thing to do is pull down a copy of Realproducer and
generate a realmedia version of the video. Alas, that will probably tie up
my video workstation for another two days.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ 28611923 / AIM abreauj / JABBER jabr at / YAHOO abreauj
Email jabr at / WWW

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