[Mwblug] Amazon switches to Linux

Christian Fernandez rek2 at linuxbusca.com
Fri Nov 2 14:40:57 EST 2001

Of course, but wait..
people won't notes... right now linux is used 90% of IT departments from one 
webserver to the whole network... people don't know.... why?
cause linux don't have marketing, sales(most of people download it) so is 
diff to keep traq. plus there are lot of companys with lot of money that know 
this and take advantage of it and try to shadow linux... making belive the 
people that only watch TV, or read pc world etc, that cause microsoft 
products, etc is in every magazine that means is more used in IT.
usually people belive that "more seen in media"="more used"
now how can you tell that people that nope, that really is linux the one
growing... that the actuall stadistics are wrong cause they only record 3 
companys and only a 25 % of it...
those stats are done with the sales ofr Redhat,Suse and Caldera... and
only the sales... not counting the downloads.... were 75% of the IT 
profesionals download it.
plus there are lot other distros... Debian is really the most used... here we 
go with the marketing issue again.. people don't think so cause is no way to 
record it...
for all the people I know and I talk in conferences,meetings, travels etc
I came up with this stats in USA
-microsoft is actually going down since 2 years a go in all IT departments... 
not up like the media says.
-Linux is growing at a 190% each year, were the media stats says that is 
growing fast but at the same pace of micrososf...
-of all linux distros
--redhat is been the king at desktop and IS department desktop computers...
but in the last year Mandrake have got that category and 
mandrake rule this now.
--Debian is the king in the server production side in companys with 
experienced linux administrators... is been like that from 2 years and 
-- where Redhat is the choosen one for newbees mobing from windows to 
Linux, maybe cause they still think that support needs to come from a company 
not the system administrator.. LOL so they pay twice.

I got this info from all the linux systems administrator I have talked in the 
last 2 years... Meetings, conferences(linuxworld,linuxdevel,USENIX),IRC, 
other lugs, mailing lists...

so the point is... yes it will grow and it will keep growing.. but don't 
expect to see it on the media or in stocks... cause linux is not made 
for stocks and comercial shit.. is made from production... is what we can 
call an undergound OS, is everywhere but nobody whant to see it, or admit it.

Christian Fernandez
MetroWest Boston LUG
Unix/Linux system administrator

On Friday 02 November 2001 01:52 pm, you wrote:
> Ok, I FINALLY read the article.
> in the article it said:
> "I think things are very good for Linux--particularly in a down economy,"
> Marshall said. "Companies are looking for alternatives to expensive
> proprietary systems that they were all too willing to shell out for in the
> go-go days."
> That's something I never thought about. Since the economy is starting to
> slip, Linux is more attractive because companies are getting thrifty. It's
> interesting: A bad economy can actually be better for Linux than a booming
> economy.
> ~Alan Monkey Mafia
> spacemonkeymafia.com
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