favorite HTML composer??

Derek D. Martin ddm at pizzashack.org
Sat Nov 3 22:56:39 EST 2001

On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 05:44:57PM -0500, Glenn Burkhardt wrote:
> What are folks using to create HTML documents?  I'm looking for something
> simple, with a drawing editor.  I've been using Xfig and StarOffice, but
> it seems a bit cumbersome.

This should be interesting... ;-)

I'm gonna go ahead and put in my own plug for Emacs.  I have no idea
what a drawing editor is (unless you mean a program for creating
diagrams and drawings, such as dia), but Emacs can handle all the HTML
I can type into it...

I've noticed amongst Linux/Unix geeks a strong leaning towards the
philosophy that, "If you want it done right, you've got to do it
yourself."  On the other hand, a fair number of people in the Linux
camp subscribe to the philosophy, "easy and fast is best" and so
prefer tools to generate HTML for them.  

In my experience, most people I know who've done web development in
non-Microsoft environments are in the first group.  They typically
like to hand-edit HTML using any text editor.  Reason being it gives
you more control, and allows you to generate HTML that's not geared
towards specific browsers, unlike many of the tools available for MS

Contrary to popular belief, IE is NOT the only browser in the world...

Derek Martin               ddm at pizzashack.org    
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