PHP and MySQL book

Steve steve at
Tue Nov 13 20:13:47 EST 2001

Ali Taalebi wrote:

> 2. Which of these two books do you recommend?

I thought the Welling / Thompson book was pretty decent, but I'm sort of a PHP 
newbie. It's not the best beginner's guide to PHP, but it's pretty good once 
you're beyond the total newbie stage and want to build a practical app with a 
MySQL db. Sorta aims for the applied programming rather than "here's principle 
A, B, and C."

> 3. Do you know of any other books which cover BOTH PHP and MySQL?

Beginning PHP4 from WROX covers integration with MySQL ok, and as a beginner's 
book, it's the best that I came across. They have a more advanced book too, but 
I don't know much about that one.


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