ntp problem...

Frank Ramsay fjr at marsdome.myip.org
Thu Nov 15 18:18:41 EST 2001

I've got an odd problem here.  When I set up redhat 7.2 on my desktop I told 
it to use ntp for timekeeping, after a while I started getting 'time squew' 
warnings when doing builds on a nfs mounted drive.  I figure it's because the 
file server isn't set up for ntp so the time will drift (and is usually not 
right anyway)
So I checked and ntp is installed, I edited /etc/ntp.conf so it matches my 
desktop machine.  I made sure tht /etc/localtime at 
/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New York and restarted ntpd
now there is about a two hour difference between the systems.

These two commands were issued within seconds of each other, the first is on 
the file server, the second on the desktop.  
ntpdate -q time.nist.gov
server, stratum 1, offset -7135.932889, delay 0.21574
15 Nov 20:05:33 ntpdate[1544]: step time server offset- 
7135.932889 sec
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ notice this, why is it happening? (fyi thats 1hour 59 minutes)

ntpdate -q time.nist.gov
server, stratum 1, offset -0.006011, delay 0.23395
15 Nov 18:07:16 ntpdate[3117]: adjust time server offset- 
0.006011 sec

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is wrong?
Obviously the problem is the offset adjustment the server is making.  But why 
is it doing this?


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