Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Tue Oct 2 10:09:14 EDT 2001

On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 01:47:47AM -0400, Derek D. Martin wrote:
> Some RFC or other also defines the header X-List-Info: which this list
> sets in accordance with said RFC (and again includes the address
> discuss at blu.org).  You could also filter on that.

Back when I was using Eudora on my Mac to read e-mail I got via tIAC,
I used to filter different mailing lists into different folders and it
was annoying when lists would change their stripes and break my
filters.  So making identifying marks as stable as possible would be

But I don't filter anymore.  It just made it too easy for me to
subscribe to too many lists and never read the content.  Now I use
mutt and let the filter by thread feature help me delete, say, linux
kernel traffic, with great efficiency.

I try to spot different lists by the subject and sender.

What I wish I had is an e-mail reader that would sort my e-mail much
as volumous physical mail could be sorted by a talented temp.  That
is, even without any expert knowledge of what I am up to, there is a
lot of categorizing and highlighting that could be done.  Clues to
look at would include:

- whether mail is actually addressed to me vs. a cc vs a bcc;
- whether it is part of a thread to which I have contributed;
- whether it is from someone important (someone I have sent e-mail to
  directly would be a clue there);
- the list the message was sent to, if any;
- the thread the message is part of;
- and to get really fancy, by comparing the new mail with how I have
  disposed with similar e-mail previously (did I respond?, did I
  save?, did I at least read?, did I delete individually?, did I
  delete as part of a massive deletion with other e-mail?).

It seems that without any user configuration (Ok, help it a little,
tell it who your mother, wife, kids, and boss are, but let it figure
out the rest.) a mail reader could offer really good summarizing
abilities.  I imagine any sized heap of e-mail could be turned into a
top-level summary of well under a dozen items.

I even imagine that spam would naturally fall together allowing me to
quickly scan for anything that appears not to be spam.

-kb, the Kent who has wanted something like this for quite awhile but
never found the time to program it.
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