Odd pointer problem with X

James Hunter Heinlen dracus at world.std.com
Thu Oct 11 15:06:38 EDT 2001

Greetings, all

Couple of questions....  First, I have a fresh install of Slackware
8.0 with the 2.4.5 kernel on a Compaq Presario 1200 U laptop.  When I
run X, the mouse pointer and what it points to are in different
locations.  The mouse pointer is hanging out just a bit to the right
of what is being pointed at, which makes selecting buttons, moving
scroll bars, etc, much more challenging.  Any suggestions on getting
the two to merge?

Also, I'm in the process of trying to get a SPARC station operational,
but need a couple items to complete the mix.  First, if someone has a
13w3 -> 5 BNC cable they are willing to part with, I'll pay a fair
price.  I am also looking for 12 4M 30 pin SIMMS and Solaris 8 on CDs.
I have already signed up for a license for Solaris 8 from the Sun site,
but, being forced to push my bits through a 56k modem, found downloading
3 CD iso images a touch 'inconveinent'.  Any help will be greatly 
apreciated, and if you can provide these items for me, drop me a line,
and we will work out a price or trade.

BTW, I should be at the next meeting, and can make exchanges there.

Thanks in advance.


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