upgrades & window managers

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Thu Oct 11 15:51:45 EDT 2001

I can't comment on upgrading. 
I don't know what you mean about transparentr windows. Several terminal 
emulators have transparent options, eterm and aterm are 2 than come to 

I generally upgrade from one major relase through minor releases, but I 
like to do clean installs between major release numbers. I use SuSE 
which has been pretty good, but when doing an upgrade install, you leave 
old trash around.

The way I generally set up my system is that when I add programs or 
drivers, I keep them in a downloads directory. Normally, I install 
programs in /usr/local. So, when I do a clean install, my home directory 
tree is backed up as well as my /usr/local and a few more things. Then I 
just blow away my / /var and /usr filesystems. My techniques are a bit 
different for my desktop where I have a lot of disk and my laptop which is 

On 11 Oct 2001, at 15:37, Robert Schick wrote:

> Any hints on upgrading from Redhat 6.2 to 7.1? Do I have to do a clean 
> install, or is there a way to upgrade without having to backup and 
> reinstall programs, etc?
> Also, what's the sequence to get windows to display transparently?

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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