Palm vs. iPaQ.

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Thu Oct 11 21:49:10 EDT 2001

I've got a couple of non-Linux questions.
1. Does anyone know of software to convert a Palm database to pocket PC 
database. (This is for a friend of mine who wants to recommend an iPaQ to a 

2. I just bought an iPaQ which will be running Linux. I currently sync my 
(eg. David's) Palm on my Linux desktop. What I want to do is to use the 
iPaQ for my time and contact records, but I would like to be able to share 
databases with both my other Linux systems (probably no problem) and my 
Windows 2000 system at work.
BTW: We have an iPaQ on testdrive that you can log into. 
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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