Web hosting recommendations?

Steve steve at cyberianhamster.com
Mon Oct 22 11:18:09 EDT 2001

Chuck Young wrote:
 > Can someone give me one or two recommendations for a small web hosting
 > company either in the New England area or elsewhere?

One place is www.he.net . Linux-based (Debian, I think...), PHP4, MySQL, 
cgis, htaccess, secure connections, secure shell account, 20 email 
accounts, etc (you can see the whole feature set at 
http://www.he.net/spaceservices.html ). Price is $24.95 for 100 MB of 
space. I only use them for the their $10 / mo account which is too small 
for your needs. But the level of service has been pretty good overall (I 
don't expect much for $10 / mo).

I saw a cheaper one at http://www.your-site.com/ , but I don't have any 
experience with them. I saw it mentioned on another mailing list. Not 
the full range of services as he.net's but still has a surprising number 
of features for $5 / month.


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