Dropping of network connection on Linux system

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Tue Oct 23 07:09:27 EDT 2001

The Boston Linux server has run for months with no interruption in 
connectivity. Additionally, my home system is up 24x7 with no loss of 
connectivity on its local network (I use a Linksys router to provide 
connectivity to cable modem).
tarnhelm [7] uptime 
  7:08am  up 208 days,  7:17,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

In general, eithernet connections do not time out, but PPPOE does have a 
timeout value.
"qx" wrote:
ransfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Hi all,
> I have 2 systems. 1 using linux and the other winnt.
> Both systems are connected to Internet using ethernet connections.
> I usually leave both of them on continuously for days.
> However, I noticed that after a few days, my network connection on my =
> linux system is dropped.
> That is when I run ifconfig, the link is not shown.
> I checked my winnt system and found that the connection is still intact.
> May I know what's the problem on my linux system?
> Thank you.
Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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