DSL provider which serves customer's hostname on their DNS

Drew Taylor drew at drewtaylor.com
Thu Oct 25 13:37:07 EDT 2001

At 09:23 AM 10/25/2001 -0400, David Kramer wrote:

>After "the unpleasantness" with AT&T, I took a poll on several mailing
>lists I subscribe to with high geek content, and speakeasy was by far the
>biggest standout.  They welcome servers, understand Linux and Unix, offer
>static IP addresses, and just kinda seem competent.  I hear they have long
>hold times for support, but I would put up with that if I could talk to a
>person capable of helping me eventually.

David, I hear that hold times are going down. I haven't had to call in a 
while, so take it with a grain of salt. But things are getting better in 
that area.

>And yes, I'm in the process of ordering SpeakEasy.  Verizon is causing me
>grief though with the phone line, and I need to overcome their
>incompetence first.

Hope you can get through that. Once Verizon is done, it is generally pretty 
easy from there. I love ILECs...

Drew Taylor                     JA[P|m_p|SQL]H
http://www.drewtaylor.com/      Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
mailto:drew at drewtaylor.com      *** God bless America! ***
ICQ: 135298242

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