Political activism for Linux users/advocates

Bill Horne billhorne at mediaone.net
Mon Sep 10 21:05:15 EDT 2001

Jeffry Smith wrote:

> Some things I'll add about "Political Activism"
> 1.  Write / call your congresscritters - both House and Senate.  That's
> write as in snail-mail, not write as in e-mail.  Very important, because
> it means you cared enough to take time and write.  E-mails are too quick.

I'll add my 2 cents: my sister-in-law is a lobbyist in Washington, and she
says that *HANDWRITTEN* letters get much more attention than anything else.
She tells me that the average Conresscritter figures a ten/one didn't
write/did write ratio on handwritten notes, and acts accordingly.

Other media are routinely ignored: some Congressmen just weigh their mail, but
ALL of them disregard electronic media. They just don't think it's serious.

By the way, a reelection contribution - however minor - immediately shunts
YOUR letter into the "paying customer" pile, so you can rub elbows with
millionaires, if only by having your letter in the same in-basket. Those are,
of course, the ones that get read first.

Bill Horne

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