small, portable server-like computer w/o keyboard or monitor?

Brian Lockwood lockwood at
Thu Sep 13 13:50:24 EDT 2001

On 9/13/01 12:38 PM, "Robert Brown" <robertb-blu at> wrote:

> A few years ago, I remember there was a demo of a computer being designed by
> Corel (I think) that was very small.
> Anyway, I'm looking for something like this.  Not a desktop and not a laptop:
> somewhere in between.  I would like it to have disk space, perhaps a
> parallel port or SCSI port, an ethernet jack, but no video or keyboard
> needed to run it.  Obviously, it has to be able to run Linux, preferably
> Debian GNU/Linux.
> Does anything like this exist?

Take a look at the "The Yellow briQ Node".  Its a small footprint, single
board, PowerPC Linux network appliance computer that can be used alone or
within a cluster.  It has the same form factor of a CD-ROM drive.

Here's a link for more info :

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