Laptop recommendations

Robert L Krawitz rlk at
Thu Sep 13 19:53:12 EDT 2001

I found an HP Pavilion 5470 for $1500 at Circuit City.  It was a
return.  It's only 1024x768, which is less than I want (although it is
a 15" display), but with 256 MB, the price, and the combo CDRW/DVD
drive, it looked awfully appealing.  I have 14 days to decide whether
to keep it (there's no restocking fee, since it was an open box).  It
has a non-Lucent lusemodem.

The processor is an Athlon 4/1GHz, for what little that's worth; it's
way, way cheaper than anything similar on Pricewatch.  According to, it's possible to run
Linux on it, albeit it uses a not very well supported Trident chipset,
among other things.

Is anyone familiar with this laptop?  Comments?

Robert Krawitz <rlk at>

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