Code Red

John Chambers jc at
Tue Sep 18 14:29:07 EDT 2001

| Hello,
| 	Just wondering how many on the list have been scanned for Code Red
| II today.  I have been getting scanned over 80 times a day.  My log file
| goes on forever with all these damn X's and people looking for IIS
| exploits.  When will script kiddies get a life.....

None here at home.  Probably because RCN still  blocks  port  80.   I
started  a  second  server at a higher port, but of course it doesn't
show anything.  I checked the server log on, and  it
shows  maybe 20 probes for URLs that include '\.exe' today.  I wonder
what (if anything) this will do to the popularity of IIS servers?

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