[BLU] ssh delays

Scott Lanning slanning at buphy.bu.edu
Fri Sep 21 11:33:09 EDT 2001

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, John Chambers wrote:
>Yeah, I figured most people would get it.  And, needless to say, all
>members of the list are given permission to decrypt the message, and
>to use it for your own purposes.
>There is a lot of absurdity in the encryption debate; I'm just doing
>my part to add to it ...
>Notice: This message is copyright by the sender, and was doubly encrypted by
>applying  the  Rot13 encryption algorithm twice.  Unauthorized decryption of
>this message within the jurisdiction of US courts by anyone other  than  the
>intended recipient(s) is a violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act,
>and in punishable by five years in jail, a $500,000 fine, or or both.

I like the (presumably unintentional) 'or or both'
which, to me, reads like you're Dr. Evil trying to think
of a... a greater punishment (one million dollars!) but can't
think of anything, so you add them together.
(Incidentally, next July:
(love the title :))

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