mozilla email problems

Joel Gwynn joelman at
Sat Sep 22 12:08:28 EDT 2001

I'm using Mozilla to check my email.  Call me a sucker, but I like to be
able to check multiple pop accounts.  For a while I've been putting up
with sluggish, erratic behaviour, but I'm getting to my limit.  Right
now, it won't even check my email.  When I start up the mail client, it
connects, then says 'Receiving: message 1 of 414' (I'm on lots of
lists), and just hangs forever, without downloading any messages.

I can check my email fine with Netscape, using the same settings.  Has
anyone else had this problem?

========[Joel-Gwynn]-[joelman at]=======
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A bus station is where a bus stops.
So now you know why they call this a workstation.

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