Ashcroft's Anti-Terrorism Act may convict us all ...

John Chambers jc at
Tue Sep 25 10:12:10 EDT 2001

rek2 writes:
| I agree, plus you can't put 60 years in prison someone that have only did a
| minor crime! that will be going to much!  My opinion is that such law will be
| dangerous... I will have to separate 2 ways of crackers...
| the kids that don't have any political intentions.
| and
| the REAL terrorist with a political reason...
| also if the attack came from inside USA or outside..
| those are points that have to be separate!
| you can't treat and American(or any other free country) to a live in jail
| just to try to be a smart ass.. at least they don't kill people.

Heh. You obviously haven't read much about the War on Drugs. What you
say  can't  be  done  is  pretty  much  what  is  done, routinely and
knowingly.  Only the lowest-level dealers,  plus  their  friends  and
relatives, go to jail.  The big guys don't have much to fear from the
authorities (only each other).

If you want to get a good feel for what is  likely  to  happen,  give
your  favorite  search site the keywords "Salvati Limone FBI Boston".
But don't do this if you want to be left with any sort  of  faith  in
the FBI, the DOJ or the Boston and Mass state police.  Note that this
story involves exactly the people who will be  handling  the  War  on
Terrorism,  and who are doing the Logan part of the investigations of
the Sept 11 events.

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