kernel compile fails

joel Gwynn joelman at
Sun Sep 30 15:05:24 EDT 2001

I'm running debian, with the 2.4.2 kernel, and I'm trying to compile the 
2.4.2 kernel.  When 'make bzImage', things chug along for awhile, then I 
get these errors:

net/network.o: In function `dev_irnet_close':
net/network.o(.text+0x4d190): undefined reference to 
net/network.o: In function `dev_irnet_write':
net/network.o(.text+0x4d1f1): undefined reference to `ppp_channel_write'
net/network.o: In function `dev_irnet_read':
net/network.o(.text+0x4d3d6): undefined reference to `ppp_channel_read'
net/network.o: In function `dev_irnet_poll':
net/network.o(.text+0x4d84d): undefined reference to `ppp_channel_poll'
net/network.o: In function `dev_irnet_ioctl':
net/network.o(.text+0x4da62): undefined reference to `ppp_register_channel'
net/network.o(.text+0x4da9b): undefined reference to 
net/network.o(.text+0x4dacd): undefined reference to `ppp_channel_ioctl'
net/network.o(.text+0x4db15): undefined reference to `ppp_channel_index'
net/network.o(.text+0x4db4d): undefined reference to `ppp_unit_number'

WTF am I supposed to do now?

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